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The Booking edit page permits to create or edit the class booking of a pupil. The page is split into 2 section, the booking edit at the top and the class search at the bottom.

The class search section permits searching the teaching program for classes based on level, day and teacher. Multiple selections can be made by separating them by a comma (see Day below). The search can further be refined to show only classes with free space or, useful when booking a make-up, check if a pupil reported that it will be away during a particular lesson. Top select the class just push the radio button in the ClassID field.

The booking edit sections deals with all the information required regarding a class booking. Here the Type, Startdate, Number of lesson, and the cost has to be defined. Any booking specific information can be entered in the notes and will not be transferred into the next course. Here you can also process the deposit during the rebooking process and indicate if a pupil will be returning or requires a class change for the next teaching period. Also the staff member dealing with the booking will be recorded.

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