The member page displays all relevant information to manage each member enrolled in the teaching program and is also the starting point for creating a new booking.
On this page you can create or edit the member, pupil, booking and invoice details and check the booking and attendance history of all the pupils for that member.
Clicking on the underlined e-mail address will open your e-mail program. The red background of the e-mail field indicates that the address is incorrect.
Menu Pages | Home | Check In | Member | Pupil | Enquiry | Ticket | EventLog | Admin |
Class Booking | Class List | Waitlist | New Contact List | Class schedule | Work schedule | Statistics 1 | Statistics 2 | Statistics 3 |
The fields marked by the red asterisk represent the minimum information required to create a new member however all fields should be completed for good record keeping.
Simply remove the tick in front of the residential address or the e-mail field to indicate when these are incorrect. As a result the suburb field during the "Check In" and the corresponding fields in the member page change the background to red.
To gauge the effectiveness of advertising will be possible if the Contact Info from the drop down menu is included. The summary is displayed in the statistic section of the program.